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Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Children

iLEAD Agua Dulce Free Breakfast and Lunch

We serve meals Monday through Thursday, and weekend meals are handed out on Thursdays. On a normal schedule, food service will be on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10:00 AM to noon:

Please note that when the school is closed due to a holiday, there will be no food service.

School lunch will be grab-and-go with minimal contact and may not be consumed on-site. Breakfast and lunch will be served together. Please drive up to the front office in the upper parking lot (11311 Frascati St, Agua Dulce, CA), and we will come to the car. For your protection and ours, please wear a cloth face covering when picking up meals.

If your learner is on site and you would like them to receive a breakfast and/or lunch, please be sure to let your learner’s facilitator or Miss Nicole know so we can ensure there is enough food for everyone. Lunches will be sent home to be reheated and eaten at home.

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