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iLEAD Agua Dulce High School: Message from the Director

To Our Beloved Families and Learners
As we embark on the last couple of weeks prior to your Spring Break (April 11-25), I wanted to share some news of what those weeks will look like. 
1. This upcoming week, March 28-April 1, we will continue on our exploration of mycology with Mrs. Fredette and Mycologist Jonathan by beginning our third culture cultivation, and this time it will involve grain. In Math, we will conclude the unit on systems by revisiting supply and demand + word problems. In Social Science, we will continue to dig deeper into understanding the shaping of our world after WWII. 
2. April 4-8, I will be getting married, thus will not be here on campus. We are very fortunate to have a dynamic team of professionals who will offer a variety of learning experiences for our learners in the meantime. This week, Dr. Angie will lead our learners on the path to their passion project to close the school year and Ms. Martin will facilitate brightspace lessons in Math and Social Science. 
3. April 11-15, Mrs. Fredette and a special guest will bridge our conceptualization of DNA as we further our study of life sciences. Mrs. Lairson will set up the room for our learners’ early exposure to PSAT’s, for which she has prepared us for by leading a dialectic about test anxiety and the purpose of the SAT’s. Mrs. Martin will be there to support and facilitate testing and lessons. I will return after Spring Break. 

Armine Movsisyan, Ed.D., MA, ASC

iLEADership Resident

iLEAD Agua Dulce High School Program

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