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K-8 Fall Sports: Sign Up by August 27

iLEAD Agua Dulce Sports

Hello, iLEAD Agua Dulce Families!

We are beginning our Fall Season Sports sign-ups! Fall season games will be played September 9 through October 25. Games are played mostly in the Santa Clarita area, with some in further surrounding areas, and transportation will need to be provided for your learner. All games are played on school days and may require your learner to be picked up early. Practices are held on school days after school on our campus. Practice days will be dependent on coaches’ availability and will be scheduled after enough players sign up for a team. Please keep this information in mind prior to signing up your learner.

The cost for Fall Season will be $70 and can be paid in the office with cash, check, or card. Below are the Fall Sports being offered:

If your learner is interested in playing, please email Ms. Rhonna at no later than Tuesday, August 27.

Include the following information in your email. Your learner’s…

If enough players sign up for any team, we are also looking for coaches. If you are interested in coaching and are a fingerprinted volunteer, or if you are willing to get fingerprinted, please also reach out to Ms. Rhonna.

Once teams are filled and a team commitment is made to the league on August 28, we will release the practice and game schedules.

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