iLEAD Agua Dulce

Message from the Director

Dear Families,

Our chickens will be in our coop within a few short days! We cannot wait for them to join our Agua Dulce family! In addition, our Promethean ActivPanels have arrived and will be installed in each classroom this week. The learners have been working with the demo ActivPanel and are excited to have one in their classroom.

We have our Book Fair this week. Our learners will be making their wish lists to take home, and we hope that you can stop by. Lastly, we are already getting prepared for next school year. An intent-to-return form was emailed home for our families to fill out and return. This is the only way to ensure your spot for next year. Please make sure that you return those to us as soon as possible. Have a wonderful week!

Warm regards,
Lisa Latimer



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