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Monday Message – April 12, 2021

iLEAD Agua Dulce learner plays

Dear Families,

We are back! It was amazing to have all our learners together this week as we returned to our normal school schedule. As the weather is warming up, we will be taking advantage of the sunshine and using the outdoor classrooms on our beautiful campus as much as possible. If you have any gently used outdoor chairs/table or picnic tables that you no longer need, we would be happy to take them off of your hands. Please call the office or email to make arrangements for drop-off.

We would like to thank you for your patience at morning and afternoon valet. We have very specific protocols that we need to follow for the safety of our learners and staff, which requires a little more time. As always, we are here to support families. Please reach out to us if there is anything you need.

With gratitude,

Lisa Latimer
School Director

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