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Monday Message – March 30, 2020

Dear Families,

We hope everyone is healthy and assimilating well into our distance learning program. We cannot express enough how much we appreciate all of your support and understanding. We hope you will join our live on Zoom iSUPPORT meeting on Thursday, April 2, from 9:00-9:30 a.m. This is a great opportunity to check in for school updates, hear about future activities, and ask questions. Everyone is welcome! An email with the Zoom link will be provided via ParentSquare.

We also encourage everyone to join in on all of the interactive activities that we post on our iLEAD Through Play Facebook page each day. Many learners and their families are participating in daily challenges and hands-on fun, and it warms our hearts to see the engagement! If you ever have any questions, or need school support, please reach out.

Have a wonderful week!

Lisa Latimer
School Director

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