Dear Families,
Thank you to all who took the time to send our staff emails of appreciation this week. It definitely touched their hearts. Don’t forget to celebrate yourselves too, as the past eight weeks have truly been a team effort! We hope this weekend has been relaxing and full of joy for all our moms, and we wish you the happiest Mother’s Day.
This week we are holding Learner-Led Conferences Zoom-style! Please make sure you’ve signed up for a time that’s best for you to check in with the facilitator, while your child leads the meeting with their accomplishments, goals, and growth. This is a special time to have that one-on-one conversation and connect with one another.
MAP assessments are coming up the week of May 18-22. Please be sure to check your email for all the details from your child’s facilitator.
Lastly, continue to log on to our iLEAD Agua Dulce Facebook page and especially our iLEAD Through Play Facebook page. We consistently upload pictures, videos, and Books at Bedtime read by our staff. It is a wonderful way to see what’s taking place within our school community.
Don’t forget to read the fantastic article below about Miss Bybee and her surprise interview and visit from the Helpful Honda People!
Have a beautiful week!
Lisa Latimer
School Director