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Monday Message – May 18, 2020

iLEAD Agua Dulce Kids

Dear Families,

We are very excited that Learner-Led Conferences are well underway and so proud of the growth and reflections the learners have demonstrated. MAP Assessments begin this week. It is so important that all learners participate, as the data will provide us with information about where they are academically at this moment and will help us plan for the next school year, targeting the areas of need. Please make sure you have prepped your technology in advance to ensure that it runs smoothly. Emails regarding how to prepare have been sent home in the Weekly Updates.

We would like to take this moment to recognize the resilience and strength our learners have displayed since we have all been home. They are going through a very tough time and yet show up to Zoom meetings, complete their schoolwork and join in on our extracurricular activities. We truly miss their faces and, while we do not know what next school year will bring, we cannot wait until we see them on campus again. We hope your week is joyful, and please reach out if you need support.

With gratitude,

Lisa Latimer
School Director

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