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Monday Message – October 4, 2021

Agua Dulce Learners Outdoors

High School Director’s Message

Dear Falcon Families,

It was so exciting to see our learners shine this week as they worked on teaming and reflective practices. With our first Presentation Of Learning underway for the school year, our learners utilized the critical friends protocol to retrieve feedback from their peers and facilitators. Moving forward, we will work on revisions and begin the building process while we make progress toward the goals we set during our ILP meetings.

Important Dates To Remember:

October 11-15: Mid-Fall Break
October 26: Presentation of Learning (time TBD)
November 11: Veteran’s Day
November 22-26: Fall Break

December 20 – January 10: Winter Break



Armine Movsisyan, Ed.D., MA, ASC

iLEADership Resident

iLEAD Agua Dulce

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