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Monday Message – September 6, 2021

Agua Dulce Learner

Message From The Director

Dear Families,

We would like to extend our gratitude to all the families that attended our iSUPPORT Meeting! We had such a fantastic turn out and are truly grateful for your help. We look forward to seeing you (virtually) at Back to School Night on September 9th. This is a very informative evening and will give you a great understanding of what to expect throughout the year – especially including a deeper dive into Project-Based Learning.

We have our Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) coming up on September 23rd, 24th, and October 1st. This is a very important conference and should be attended. Please see below for more information.

We are also very excited about our upcoming Drive-In Movie Night coming up on October 8th and can’t wait to see all of the creative box cars that our learners created at home. See more info including the Chipotle Fundraiser Here.

We hope you have a phenomenal week!

With gratitude,

Lisa Latimer, Director

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