Site icon iLEAD Agua Dulce

Upcoming Events

calendar and post-it notes

Fri., 2/2: Learner-Led Conferences

Tue., 2/6: Board Meeting at 5 PM

Wed., 2/7: iSUPPORT Meeting

Mon., 2/12: 100th Day of School

Mon.-Fri., 2/12-16: Spirit Week

Wed., 2/14: Valentine’s Day Ice Cream Social

Wed., 2/14: Valentine’s Day Class Exchange

Thur., 2/15: Prospective Family Night at 5 PM

Mon., 2/19: No School for Presidents’ Day

Tue., 2/20: Food Truck Community Night

Thur., 2/22: TK/K Roundup at 5 PM

Thur., 2/29: Prospective High School Night at 5 PM


Academic Calendar

School Events Calendar

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