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Valet Information


After trying a few different ways to make the valet line more effective, we finally found the flow that works the best. It is essential that everyone follows these expectations for the safety of everyone.


If you choose to not utilize the valet line, please park at the lower lot on the far west side and wait for your child to be released to walk them to your car. Please do not park on the valet lot. This causes congestion.

For safety reasons, we will not release learners to walk across the lot to go to the car on their own. 

Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation.

iLEAD Agua Dulce, a free public charter school serving students in the Agua Dulce and Santa Clarita area, is part of the iLEAD Schools network of charter schools throughout California, the Midwest, Colorado, and Hawaii. iLEAD empowers learners to become conscientious, compassionate, and responsible citizens of the world, and inspires them to become creative thinkers and leaders with a lifelong love of learning.

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