iLEAD Agua Dulce

What’s Happening on Our Virtual Campus?

Our first TK-6th grade project launches this week. As project-based learning is about the process of learning and not just the end product, we are excited to see deeper thinking taking place. It has been a tradition at iLEAD Agua Dulce to have the same big-picture theme for the first project. Having this commonality among all grade levels helps build community and collaboration. While the big-picture theme is the same, each grade level is addressing it through a different lens. 

Project-based learning must always begin with a Driving Question. The Driving Question is what guides the project, is relatable to the learner, and has a real-world problem to be solved. While we are in distance learning, we want to ensure that we are mindful of creating a big-picture theme that appeals to all children and gets them excited to learn more. 

The theme for this project is “How Can I Spread the Joy of Toys?”

The Driving Questions are as follows:

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