
Learner-Led Conferences: January 23, 24, 31

5th Grade DreamUp POL 10.2024 iLEAD Agua Dulce4

At iLEAD Agua Dulce, we host Learner-Led Conferences (LLCs) to promote learner engagement, motivation, and achievement. Our next LLCs are scheduled for January 23, 24, and 31. These conferences create a purposeful way for learners to take ownership of their learning and to make meaningful connections with their families to support their academic and personal growth.

How LLCs Inspire Learners to Take Ownership of Their Learning

  • The learner prepares for the conference, which creates an authentic purpose for good organizational and communication skills.
  • The learner facilitates the meeting from start to finish.
  • The structure builds the learner’s sense of responsibility and accountability for their own learning.
  • The learner develops an understanding of what it means to meet learning targets and Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) goals.

What Is the Role of the Learner at an LLC?

  • To provide a detailed assessment of learning that has taken place through reflection.
  • To guide the parent/caregiver on a tour of their learning.

What Is the Role of the Parent/Caregiver at an LLC?

  • To attend the conference with the learner.
  • To listen attentively as the learner reviews work and progress toward ILP goals.
  • To ask questions, which fosters critical thinking and reflection as the learner reviews their work.
  • To write a note or letter to the child at the end of the conference.

What Is the Role of the Facilitator at an LLC?

  • To step back and ensure that the learner leads the conference.
  • To offer prompts as needed.

Your child’s facilitator will be in touch to ask you to make an appointment for the conference. We hope you will take advantage of this wonderful experience to support your child’s lifelong learning journey.


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