
Upcoming Events

Click Here to see the school calendar for more information.

September 30th – Purchase Yearbooks By This Deadline To Receive 10% off

October 1st – ILPs

October 8th – 7:00pm – Drive-In Movie Night

October 11th – 15th – Mid-Fall Break / No School 

iSUPPORT: 1st Wednesday of each month beginning at 9:00am.

We have an amazing community of family volunteers that supports our school in many ways. We hope that you will attend our iSUPPORT meetings on the first Wednesday of each month. You will gain valuable information on how you can become involved whether you volunteer in the classroom, assist on field trips or help plan on special event committees. iSUPPORT also helps to keep families updated on what is taking place on campus and provides a great way to connect with each other. We value our volunteers! We look forward to seeing you there.

Upcoming iSUPPORT Meeting Dates:

October 6th
November 3rd
December 1st

See what our families are saying about iLEAD Agua Dulce!


iLEAD Agua Dulce book children

Scholastic Book Fair: September 30-October 4

The Scholastic Book Fair is here! iLEAD Agua Dulce’s Exploratorium has been transformed into a reading wonderland! Get ready for the adventure Monday, September 30, through Friday, October 4! Parents/guardiansRead More

Individualized Learning Plans: October 4

iLEAD Agua Dulce embraces the whole child, focusing on both social-emotional and academic skills. After our beginning-of-the-year assessments and in lieu of the traditional parent-teacher conference, the learners, facilitators, andRead More

calendar and post-it notes

Upcoming Events

Mon., 9/30 – Fri., 10/4: Scholastic Book Fair Thur., 10/4: Individualized Learning Plans Mon.-Fri., 10/7-11: Mid-Fall Break, Staff Professional Development Thur., 10/31: Minimum Day All Grades Fri., 11/1: Learner Free Day Academic Calendar CommunityRead More