Monday message 03.07.2022

Learner-Led Conferences

Learner-Led Conferences are coming up on Friday, March 18th, Thursday, March 24 (minimum day), and Friday, March 25th. These conferences create a purposeful way for learners to have dialogue with adults about their learning and offer parents a direct and active role in their child’s school life.

What to Expect at Learner-Led Conferences

A Learner-led Conference offers your learner not only a real voice in the assessment of their learning, but it also offers learners practice in speaking to their strengths. This will prepare them for the real life experience of talking to potential employers as they get older. This process is more of a performance than an evaluation; your learner will compile what they have been learning and review this process with you, the family member.

The first conference can be overwhelming and learners may be nervous. They will need support from you. Facilitators are at the conference for support only. All of the information about a learner’s work, progress, behavior, goals, and grades will come from the learner. If you would like to talk to a facilitator about specifics, there will be sign-up sheets to schedule a time with your learner’s advisor at a later date.

What is the Role of the Parent at an LLC?

Parents play an important supportive role in this process. The focus of the conference is on learning and growth, not simply a “show and tell” display of work. It is a time for families to “sit beside” their child, listen to and trust their child’s assessment of their own learning, and ask good questions. A sign-up sheet will be emailed home in the classroom Weekly Update.

With gratitude,

Lisa Latimer

Director, iLEAD Agua Dulce

Upcoming Events

calendar and post-it notes

Wed., 9/18: iLEAD Agua Dulce McTeacher’s Night, 4-7 PM

Fri., 9/21: Agua Dulce Parade & Fair

Thur., 9/26: Minimum Day All Grades

Thur.-Fri., 9/26-27: Individualized Learning Plans

Fri., 9/27: Boxcar Movie Night With Food Trucks, 6:30 PM

Mon., 9/30 – Fri., 10/4: Scholastic Book Fair

Thur., 10/4: Individualized Learning Plans

Academic Calendar

Community Calendar

iLEAD Agua Dulce Outdoor Classroom

Take-a-Tour Fridays

Did you know that your child has learning options in Acton/Aqua Dulce? Join us every Friday through March 18 for an in-person tour. Learn about our unique and flexible programRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce learners

iLEAD Agua Dulce Culture: Components of Social-Emotional Learning — Grit

What does it take to really succeed? Some might call it drive or determination. At iLEAD Agua Dulce, we like to call it grit, and it is a crucial componentRead More

High School: Harvard & MIT Fellowship Opportunity

Dear iLEAD Agua Dulce High School Families and Learners, For the first time ever, organizations from two iconic institutions – Harvard and MIT– have come together to guide the next generationRead More

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