
Agua Dulce Parade Float and Fair

Our first year, we entered the Agua Dulce Parade with the most amazing float! It was so amazing that we won 6 trophies, including Best Overall! This year, we are not only entering a float, but supporting the fair! Both will be amazing with the help of all of you. 

Our float will be created on our upper parking lot, and we will need help each day next week and also in the evening. We would greatly appreciate any support we can get! We are also in need of items for the float. We have a list of items that can be purchased or donated. We have links to Amazon so you can see what they look like, but it doesn’t have to be exact. Any similar items around your house would suffice. 

iLEAD Agua Dulce is also supporting the fair and we need help running a few booths and will need donations of cakes for the Cake Walk. 

Please see the links below to see how you can support the float and fair. Please see your child’s classroom Weekly Update in regards to bringing a cake for the Cake Walk. 

Click here to volunteer to work on the float and/or the fair

Click here for items we need (Items do not need to be purchased. If you have any around the house that you would like to donate, that would be great!)


Valentine hearts

Get Ready for iLEAD Agua Dulce’s Spirit Week: February 10-14

We hope you’ll join us for the fun February 10-14. Show your school spirit by dressing up with these themes! Monday: Twinning Day: Find a Friend and Coordinate Your OutfitRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce learners outdoor classroom circle

Take a Tour Thursdays!

Join us on Thursdays for in-person tours. Learn about our unique and flexible program serving grades TK-12. We will cover topics such as project-based and social-emotional learning, our amazing credentialedRead More

Don't Throw Away Old Sneakers

Share the Love with GotSneakers: Accepting Donations All Year

This school year we are partnering with GotSneakers, a recycling program that makes a global impact and earns our school money for every pair of sneakers you contribute! Please dropRead More