
Chicken Coop, Garden Beds and Composting

iLEAD Agua Dulce Garden Beds

We are very excited to begin the second part of our project, demonstrating community. We have had several experts in the field meet with the learners and help us create something that our entire school community can work together on, synergize, and enjoy. This week, we will be incubating eggs and working on our garden, composting, and chicken coop. Our 3rd- through 6th-grade learners have already applied math skills, with the help of the experts, to determine measurements and quantity of the items needed, and the 5th- and 6th-grade learners will use their critical thinking skills implementing their irrigation designs.

Our TK through 2nd-grade learners will begin painting pallets and planting their herb and succulent wall gardens, as well.

In conjunction with the garden beds, we will begin the building of our chicken coop and starting our compost pile.

If you have any of the following items that you would like to donate, we would greatly appreciate it:

For Hoop houses:

  • 36 10’x1/2″ PVC pipes
  • 72 1/2″ electrical fasteners (to attach the pipe to the garden beds)
  • 21 6’ pieces of shade cloth and the fasteners to attach to the PVC
  • Also, enough bunny fencing or chicken wire to either surround or cover the beds over the hoop houses, to keep predators out
  • We will need at least 3 2-cubic-foot bags of potting soil per bed
  • We will also need some cordless power tools such as drill/screw guns to make attaching the hoops easier

Lastly, we will need enough shovels, trowels, and gloves to do all the incorporating of soil and leveling as well as weed pulling in preparation to plant. We are going to start the process as soon as possible so we can see the results in the spring.



iSUPPORT Meeting: September 4

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iLEAD Agua Dulce Volunteer

On-Campus Volunteer Orientation: September 6

On-Campus Volunteer Orientation: Friday, September 6, at 9 AM. We love teaming up with our families to ensure the success of our learners. There are several areas on campus forRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce McTeacher's Night

iLEAD Agua Dulce McTeacher’s Night: September 18

Join us for a night of food, friends, family, and fun at McDonald’s of SCV! This event will feature our very own School Director Wendy Maxwell and facilitators working behindRead More