
Countdown to iLEAD Student Aerospace Project Winners Announcement

All of us familiar with aerospace projects know that sometimes things do not go exactly as planned and launches get rescheduled. We have a parallel “slip” situation in an anticipated four-day delay in the announcement of our final three winners among the nine finalists. While we wait on tenterhooks for our assessors to do the difficult job of choosing which projects will best benefit the science community, let’s meet the finalists one more time by viewing their pitches over the coming days. Then in next week’s Monday Message, we will reveal which three of them are going to the International Space Station later this year. Stay tuned! Click here to read more about the finalists.


iLEAD Schools Learner Outcomes

Schoolwide Learner Outcome: Lifelong Learners

Happy New Year! Time to brush up on our iLEAD Schoolwide Learner Outcomes. At iLEAD, we believe that education should extend beyond traditional academic knowledge. Our purposeful approach revolves aroundRead More

Apex Future Coming Soon

TK-8 Apex Leadership Program & Fun Run Coming to iLEAD Agua Dulce: January 21-30

We are excited to announce that our school is partnering with Apex to bring a fantastic leadership program and fun run event to our learners! Mark your calendars: Apex LeadershipRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce Learners Present on How We Are All Connected

On December 18, iLEAD Agua Dulce 2nd graders showed their families and the community what they have been learning in Ms. Partis’ class regarding this driving question: “How can weRead More