
Grades 4-8: Join Our Ballroom Dance Competition Team!

Ballroom Dance

We are excited to invite 4th-8th graders to join the new iLEAD Agua Dulce Ballroom Dance competition team! There will be two practice dance days in the week, and dates will be announced once we have formed a team. The dance competition will take place March 2024. Registration is now open for grades 4-5 and 6-8. Contact sonia.kurfess@ileadaguadulce.org or 661-268-6386.

Ballroom Dance Team


CTE Logo Design Challenge

Enter the iLEAD Arts, Music & Entertainment Logo Design Challenge by May 2

Design the Future of iLEAD AME! iLEAD Arts, Media & Entertainment Logo Design Challenge Are you a creative visionary? Do you have a passion for design and storytelling? iLEAD CaliforniaRead More


iSUPPORT and Wellness Meeting: April 9

Join us Wednesday, April 9, at 9:00 AM in the Village for iSUPPORT & Wellness Meetings! iSUPPORT: Discover how to get involved and support our school community at our monthly iSUPPORTRead More

Spring Surveys

Learner Outcome Survey: April 21-May 2

Dear Families, Your feedback is important to our school’s success! This spring, we will invite you to participate in a survey designed to support your child’s learning. All learners inRead More