
iLEAD Agua Dulce 7th Graders Explore Natural Disasters and Plastic Pollution

iLEAD Agua Dulce 7th Grade Plastic Pollution Plan 5.22.2024

On May 22, our iLEAD Agua Dulce 7th graders hosted a Presentation of Learning on their cross-curricular Natural Disaster and Plastic Pollution Project. Through inquiry-based investigations in science and humanities, they researched historically significant volcanoes and earthquakes. Through more investigation, they designed a plastic pollution brochure and tied correlations between tsunamis and pollution. All this led to the learners developing their answers to the driving question: “How can we better understand natural disasters and plastic pollution to make our community better prepared?” Each group made an erupting volcano, an earthquake model, and two separate inventions! Each invention will help the community during a natural disaster and help reduce plastic pollution. Their POL even resulted in over 30 signatures on their Plastic Pollution Prevention Pledge! Thanks for all the support!


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iLEAD Agua Dulce High School

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