Monday Message - February 20, 2023 - iLEAD Agua Dulce

Monday message 02.20.2023

Presidents' Day

Dear iLEAD Agua Dulce Families,

We will be closed on Monday, February 20, in observance of Presidents’ Day. We hope you enjoy the extra day of the weekend!

We are looking forward to another great week at iLEAD Agua Dulce!

On Tuesday, February 21, our middle schoolers will be participating in a leadership summit. Please see below for more details. We are excited to take this journey with our learners and help them be their best selves.

On Thursday, incoming TK/K learners are invited to our TK/Kindergarten Round-Up at 5 PM, and our currently enrolled learners and prospective high schoolers are invited to our High School Info Night at 6 PM. If you know someone who would benefit from our programs and wonderful community, please help us spread the word so families will be able to experience what iLEAD Agua Dulce has to offer.

With gratitude,

Lisa Latimer

Upcoming Events

calendar and post-it notes

Fri., 3/21: 2025-26 Enrollment Lottery Application Deadline. Apply here.

Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break

Wed., 4/9: iSUPPORT Meeting, 9:00 AM

Fri., 4/18: Play Day, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Academic Calendar

Community Calendar

Schedule a Tour

Middle School Leadership Summit

Middle School Leadership Summit: February 21

Teen Truth is a leading organization that was formed nearly 20 years ago specifically to help reset middle and high school culture, helping learners understand the impact of bullying andRead More

students girls

TK/Kindergarten Round-Up: February 23!

Our Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and Kindergarten Round-Up Info Night will be Thursday, February 23, from 5-6 PM. Learn about our unique TK/K program, including our inspiring outdoor classroom learning environment,Read More

iLEAD Agua Dulce high schoolers college visit

Prospective High School Family Info Night: February 23

You are invited to iLEAD Agua Dulce’s Prospective High School Family Info Night Thursday, February 23, at 6 PM to learn more about our unique program, including these features: LeadershipRead More

cookie paleontology

Take a Tour Thursdays!

Join us every Thursday for an in-person tour. Learn about our unique and flexible program serving grades TK-high school. We will cover topics such as project-based and social-emotional learning, ourRead More


Youth Arts Contest: Enter by March 13

Santa Clarita Arts is hosting a contest for K-12 learners! iLEAD Agua Dulce learners, you are invited to enter your original paintings, drawings, photography, digital artworks, poetry, short stories, andRead More

hands count cash

Earned Income Tax Credit Information Act: 2023 Notification

What this is… The California Revenue and Taxation Code (RTC) Section 19853(b) requires local educational agencies (LEA) that operate the National School Lunch Program to annually notify households about theRead More

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