Monday Message - February 8, 2021 - iLEAD Agua Dulce

Monday message 02.08.2021

iLEAD Agua Dulce learners making nature art and with rabbits

Dear Families,

Because we are a project-based learning (PBL) school, our facilitators are working extra hard to formulate driving questions that are engaging, rigorous and authentic, especially as we are in distance learning. The questions drive the projects and help to make the curriculum applicable to our learners’ world. We want to ensure that all our learners have the tools they need to be successful.

“PBL blends content mastery, meaningful work, and personal connection to create powerful learning experiences, in terms of both academic achievement and students’ personal growth. PBL leads to deeper understanding and greater retention of content knowledge. Students are better able to apply what they know to new situations. A great project can be transformative for students. Seeing a real-world impact gives them a sense of agency and purpose.” -PBL Works

Last week our facilitators held a Project Launch Night. During this very informative evening, they provided all the details regarding their new projects and allowed time for Q&A. If you were unable to attend, we highly recommend that you schedule a time to meet with your child’s facilitator. PBL is quite different from traditional methods, and understanding the why and how will greatly benefit you and your child.

iLEAD Agua Dulce Project Board

Here are our current Driving Questions:

  • TK/K/1st (Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Ward): How can we as writers and artists tell a story?
  • 1st (Miss Quan, Mrs. Gould and Miss Rivera): How can I use Fairy Tales to help me grow and glow in life?
  • 2nd (Miss Quan, Mrs. Gould and Miss Rivera): How can I use Tall Tales to help me grow and glow in life?
  • 3rd (Miss Rhonna): How can I use poetry to convey a powerful message?
  • 4th (Mr. BE): How can we distinguish between what we think we are seeing and what we are really seeing?
  • 5th (Mrs Wells and Mrs Ortiz): How can risk-taking help me design the best cooking show?
  • 6th (Mr. De Los Reyes): How can we use our creativity and design thinking skills to develop (and pitch) a visually appealing ride that tells a story?
  • 7th and 8th (Ms. Munn and Ms. Benedetti): How can we tell the story of a changemaker that will inspire others to make the world a better place?
Upcoming Events

calendar and post-it notes

Mon., 4/7: Staff Site Work Day

Tues., 4/8: Learners Return from Spring Break

Wed., 4/9: iSUPPORT Meeting, 9:00 AM

Fri., 4/18: Play Day, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Academic Calendar

Community Calendar

Schedule a Tour

iLEAD Agua Dulce learners

Learner-Led Conferences

Learner-Led Conferences (LLCs) take place next month. They will be held on Friday, March 19; Thursday, March 25; and Friday, March 26 (in lieu of the original February dates onRead More

Re-Enroll iLEAD Agua Dulce

Current Families, It’s Time to Re-enroll!

Hello, currently enrolled iLEAD Agua Dulce site-based and home-study families! Be sure to click the link below by February 28, 2021, to reserve your spot for the 2021-22 school year!Read More

iLEAD Agua Dulce Prospective Family Night & Kindergarten Roundup

iLEAD Agua Dulce Prospective Family Info Night and Kindergarten Roundup

We hope you’ll join us! Click “Register Now” to sign up for one of our upcoming sessions, and we’ll send you the link to join us! Save the Date! HighRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce High School

iLEAD Agua Dulce High School Info Night

If you’re exploring high school options for the 2021-22 school year, please join us February 25 for a high school info session! Register here and we’ll send you the linkRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce

Exploring iLEAD Agua Dulce Culture: Habit 1 of the 7 Habits

Last week, we introduced a vital element of iLEAD Agua Dulce’s approach to education — The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Learning and practicing the 7 Habits has beenRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce Free Breakfast and Lunch

Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Children

Through the Summer Seamless Program, we are currently providing meals for all children up to 18 years of age at no charge. You do not need to be an enrolled learner inRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce Charter School mom with children at laptop

Announcing the iLEAD Student Support Counseling Page & Spring Lunch Bunch!

Dear iLEAD Agua Dulce families, The iLEAD Student Support team is excited to bring you new resources and the return of Lunch Bunch! Please come check out our brand-new counselingRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce Students

Together Tuesdays: Share Your Photos and Stories!

Greetings, iLEAD community, Every other week, a new Together Tuesday video features photos of families, learners, and staff throughout the iLEAD nation — a reminder that we’re all in this together. We’d loveRead More

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