Monday message 05.23.2022

After completing their project on animals and their habitats, the entire first and second grade classes recently took their very first field studies excursion to the Los Angeles Zoo! A great time was had by all!

Upcoming Events

calendar and post-it notes

6/19: Juneteenth – Office Closed

7/1, 2, 3, 8-29: Extended Learning Summer Workshops

7/4: Independence Day – Office Closed

8/13: First Day of 2024-25 School Year

9/2: Labor Day


Academic Calendar

ilead agua dulce

Exploring iLEAD Agua Dulce Culture: Habit 4 of the 7 Habits

“In the long run, if it isn’t a win for both of us, we both lose. That’s why win-win is the only real alternative in interdependent realities.” — Dr. Stephen CoveyRead More

Have You Seen Our High School Spaces?

Our high school spaces were designed by the learners with a cool vibe and a relaxing environment conducive to learning. Research has shown that an engaged learning environment increases students’Read More

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