Monday Message - May 6, 2019 - iLEAD Agua Dulce

Monday message 05.06.2019

Dear Families,
Our TK/K learners had a fantastic POL and beautifully articulated the different ways that are used to predict the weather. We are looking forward to 2nd grade’s POL this week! Don’t forget that 3rd-6th grade will be doing State Testing, and attendance is of the utmost importance.
We are also busily preparing for our upcoming Jamboree! Our learners will have a special performance for all who attend.
Congratulations goes out to our Pee Wee Basketball team as they finish up their season! We have so much to be proud of and are so happy that we have a wonderful community to share all of our accomplishments with.
Have a magical week!

Warm regards,
Lisa Latimer

Upcoming Events

calendar and post-it notes

Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break

Mon., 4/7: Staff Site Work Day

Tues., 4/8: Learners Return from Spring Break

Wed., 4/9: iSUPPORT Meeting, 9:00 AM

Fri., 4/18: Play Day, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Academic Calendar

Community Calendar

Schedule a Tour

Country Music

Agua Dulce Jamboree

Set your calendars for Saturday, June 8th, from 6-9 p.m., for our end of the year Jamboree! We will have a live band, delicious food, a silent auction, and celebrateRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce Learners

Outdoor Classroom

The outdoor classroom is designed to engage learners and increase their understanding of learning concepts through nature. The classroom aims to instill a sense of wonder and love for natureRead More

Stay Connected!

The ParentSquare app allows you to be involved with your child’s learning and activities at school. Download yours today!

iLEAD Agua Dulce Welcome

Boo-Boos, Band-Aids, and More!

We would like to welcome Karena Mascon to our iLEAD Agua Dulce staff! Mrs. Mascon is an LVN and will be our campus nurse aide. If you have any questions,Read More

Help Us Enhance Our Outdoor Classroom

Dear Families, We are looking for donations of real-world items (not plastic toys) that the learners can use to enhance their imaginations in our outdoor classroom. The items do notRead More

Hawaii Summer Camp

Summer Camp Opportunity

Aloha, iLEAD Families! iLEAD Schools and Cultural Bridges are excited to announce an amazing summer camp opportunity in Hawaii! This July we are offering a multicultural STEAM summer camp forRead More

Important Information About Attendance

We have several learners that have been missing school for various reasons. We cannot express enough that as a Project-Based Learning school, attendance is vital. PBL requires collaboration, discussions, workingRead More

Statewide Testing

California students take several mandated statewide tests. These tests provide parents/guardians, teachers, and educators with information about how well students are learning and becoming college and career ready. The testRead More

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