Dear Families,
Our hearts go out to all who had to evacuate their homes due to the fire. We have a beautiful school community of people who have offered to lend a hand, so please let us know if there is any way we can support you. We would like to thank our families who quickly came to pick up their children due to the power outage. We are currently looking into various options to keep our water well running, should the power go out again. However, it is still very important to ensure that your emergency list is updated and you have registered on Parent Square to receive both email and text updates.
Although we did not have lights, that did not stop the learning that took place in the classrooms. Learners worked in groups, conferred, read, and solved mathematical problems without missing a beat. The staff did a wonderful job keeping as much normalcy as possible.
I would also like to take this moment to say how proud I am of the leadership and kindness that I have seen displayed in the classrooms and on the yard. I observed a group of learners take it upon themselves to gather all of the learners on the yard to come up with a plan to take care of the items they use from the equipment shed. Our Inspiration Generation group of learners offered to clean out one of our sheds and transform it into the Creation Station, learners self-appointed themselves to welcome new learners, and several learners made sure that they took care of the bunnies each day. I have been approached by learners to see if we can have a food drive for the hungry, and they have also offered assistance to fix things on campus.These are just a few examples of the leadership that I encounter each day. There isn’t a school test that children can take to prove that they are empathetic, self-starters, and leaders.However, they demonstrate it daily on campus. We consistently talk about kindness and building a positive culture, and it warms my heart that we see it in action. Our families should be very proud!
Warm regards,
Lisa Latimer
Mon., 4/7: Staff Site Work Day
Tues., 4/8: Learners Return from Spring Break
Wed., 4/9: iSUPPORT Meeting, 9:00 AM
Fri., 4/18: Play Day, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Dear Families, “Creating expands a child’s ability to interact with the world around them and provides a new set of skills for self-expression and communication. Creating helps children with the… Read More
A very special thank-you goes out to the families and staff who met with us at the school on Thursday evening to help gather four guinea pigs, seven bunnies, one… Read More
Please join us on Thursday, October 31, for our Annual Costume Parade and Spirit Assembly! The parade begins promptly at 9:15 a.m., followed by fun games and some school SPIRIT!… Read More
Mr. Adam held a tool class for our TK/K learners. They learned the names of all of the hand tools and how to use them safely. Next week, they are… Read More
Join your iLEAD family and friends for this ALL-iLEAD-SCHOOLS event. Lace up your running shoes and join us Sunday, November 3, at 1:00 p.m. at the Universal City Metro Plaza… Read More
The learners have created beautiful artwork that you won’t want to miss. All orders are due November 1, and items will arrive before Winter Break.
We are happy to announce that iLEAD Agua Dulce will be able to participate in The Final Mile Challenge. We need 30 to 50 learners to join! It is geared to… Read More