Monday Message - September 25, 2023 - iLEAD Agua Dulce

Monday message 09.25.2023

Tony B's Cheesesteaks iLEAD Agua Dulce Food Truck Community Night

Dear Families,

Thanks to everyone for coming out to our Food Truck Community Night! A great time was had by all, and we appreciate everyone’s support for our school. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s outfits for this week’s Fall into Spirit Week, and we can’t wait to see families at our Boxcar Movie Night on Friday. See below for all the details!

If you have any questions for our team, please don’t hesitate to reach out to or 661-268-6386. And be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected.

With gratitude,

Lisa Latimer
School Director

Upcoming Events

calendar and post-it notes

Mon., 4/7: Staff Site Work Day

Tues., 4/8: Learners Return from Spring Break

Wed., 4/9: iSUPPORT Meeting, 9:00 AM

Fri., 4/18: Play Day, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Academic Calendar

Community Calendar

Schedule a Tour

Fall Spirit Week

Fall into Spirit Week September 25-29!

Monday: Anything But a Backpack Day! Instead of bringing your backpack, bring a funny item! Examples: stroller, trash bag, ice chest. Tuesday: Western Day! Dress up in your favorite boots and flannel! Wednesday: Disney Day! WearRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce College Info Night (1200 × 675 px)

College Information Night: September 26

iLEAD Agua Dulce high schoolers are invited to join us for a College Information Night on September 26! Please save the date and plan to join us in the VillageRead More

AD Minimum Day

Minimum Day: September 28

Please note that Thursday, September 28, is a minimum day for all grades. This provides the necessary time for all our learners and families to participate in Individualized Learning PlansRead More

learners outdoor classroom

Individualized Learning Plans: September 28-29

iLEAD Agua Dulce embraces the whole child, focusing on both social-emotional and academic skills. After our beginning-of-the-year assessments and in lieu of the traditional parent-teacher conference, the learners, facilitators, andRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce Boxcar Movie Night (1)

Boxcar Movie Night: Friday, September 29

We hope you’ll join us at iLEAD Agua Dulce for our Boxcar Movie Night! We’ll meet on Friday, September 29, from 6:30 to 9:00 PM. The movie will begin at dusk. Concessions willRead More


DreamUp to Space Mission Patch Artwork Design Challenge

Calling Space Artists! Design a piece of artwork that could be launched to the International Space Station. Enter the TK-12 DreamUp to Space Mission Patch Artwork Design Challenge!

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