
NWEA MAP Assessments Continue

learner laptop

All K-10th grade learners utilize the MAP NWEA computer-adaptive assessment three times per year: fall, winter, and spring. The MAP assessment is a vital part of our holistic approach to education, as evidenced in our Individualized Learning Plans (ILPs).

  • MAP enables us to see how your child progresses toward their academic Individual Learning Plan (ILP) goals, which we set at the beginning of the year, along with an action plan nurtured by our school community, including parents/caregivers, families, learners, and facilitators. iLEAD Agua Dulce embraces the whole child, focusing on both social-emotional and academic skills. The ILP is an integral part of this framework, ensuring that each child is respected and treated as an essential part of the ILP team, encouraged to be a self-directed learner and to, therefore, work toward attainable self-created goals aligned with one’s individual development.
  • Educating the whole child, we measure progress and emphasize growth versus final outcome and summative assessments. Thus, the fall assessment gives us a baseline to determine and document each child’s growth throughout the year.
  • As a school that emphasizes each learner’s individual growth and educational journey, MAP is an important measure we use to document and show our progress to our local district authorizers, who in turn determine our school’s renewal status.
  • The MAP results, which we will share with you after the assessments are completed, allow us to personalize each child’s learning path by identifying areas of strength as well as areas that need additional support and extension.

Spring MAP Assessment Dates:

  • Kindergarten: May 22-30
  • 1st-2nd grade: May 31, June 1-2
  • 3rd-4th grade: June 6-8
  • 5th grade: May 31, June 1-2
  • 6th-10th grades: June 6-8


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iLEAD Agua Dulce learners outdoor classroom circle

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