
Preorder a Holiday Tree to Benefit iLEAD Agua Dulce: Order by October 31

holiday tree (1200 x 675 px)

Purchase a tree and benefit our school! Order online by October 31, and use coupon code iLEAD20 to receive 20% off your online preorder.
For your convenience, you can now choose between two pickup dates and locations.
  • Saturday, December 9: Bothwell Park in Canyon Country: 9 AM – noon
  • Saturday, December 16: iLEAD Agua Dulce: 9 AM – noon
Please note: The coupon code is for local community pickup orders only and may not be applied to a residential delivery order.



iLEAD Agua Dulce English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meeting: February 26

The iLEAD Agua Dulce English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meeting will be held on February 26 at 3:30 PM. The ELAC promotes a meaningful connection with parents of English LearnerRead More

Dr Seuss Day (1200 x 675 px)

Dr. Seuss Day at iLEAD Agua Dulce: March 3

In celebration of Dr. Seuss’s birthday (March 2), we’re celebrating Dr. Seuss Day on Monday, March 3! Kids, you’re invited to dress up as your favorite book character and bringRead More


iSUPPORT Meeting: March 5

iSUPPORT Meeting in the Village: Wednesday, March 5, at 9:00 AM. We have an amazing community of family volunteers that support our school in many ways. We hope that youRead More