
Take-a-Tour Fridays

iLEAD Agua Dulce Outdoor Classroom

Did you know that your child has learning options in Acton/Aqua Dulce?

Join us every Friday through March 18 for an in-person tour. Learn about our unique and flexible program serving grades TK-9th. We will cover topics like how to apply, our flexible attendance, staff credentials, PBL and SEL programming, and workshops.

RSVP HERE: https://ileadaguadulce.org/community-calendar/


Welcome to iLEAD Agua Dulce’s Library

Welcome to Our Library!  New Here! Exciting news! We have a brand-new library, thanks to the hard work of our third graders and staff! They transformed the mural shed intoRead More

Spring Surveys

Important: Spring Surveys Coming Soon

Dear Families, Your feedback is important to our school’s success! This spring, we will invite you to participate in a survey designed to support your child’s learning. In addition, learnersRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce Family Play Day 2024

iLEAD Agua Dulce Play Day: April 18

Dear iLEAD Agua Dulce Families, Play builds the imagination, promotes curiosity, and helps to ease anxiety. It allows children to use their creativity while developing their imaginations, dexterity, and physical,Read More