
Update About Winter Program and POLs

Dear Families,

Originally, our winter program was set for Friday, Dec. 7th. However, we found that this day conflicts with our 5th and 6th grade Presentation of Learning. Our 5th and 6th grade learners will be showcasing their designs for their microgravity experiments to a panel of judges at the Space and Innovation Expo at College of the Canyons on Dec. 7th at 6 p.m. They have worked incredibly hard writing their research and persuasive papers and developing a relevant experiment that can be conducted in space. If selected, their experiment will be sent to the International Space Station! The Space and Innovation Expo is open to the public, and there will be many hands-on activities for the entire family. We hope that you will attend and support our learners. Click here for more info on the Expo.

In order for all of our learners to participate in the Winter Program, we have changed the date to Wednesday, Dec. 12th, from 2:30-3:30 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

Due to the date and time change for the Winter Program, the TK and Kindergarten learners are invited to stay at school on December 12th until the performance at no charge. Please remember to provide a lunch if you plan to have them stay.


iLEAD Agua Dulce 3rd and 4th grade volleyball semifinals 5.14.2024

iLEAD Agua Dulce 3rd and 4th Grade Volleyball Team Wins Semifinals

A huge shoutout goes to Coach Vic, Coach Ashleigh, and our 3rd and 4th grade girls volleyball team. On Tuesday, May 14, they won semifinals! We are so incredibly proudRead More

learners jewelry stand Jamboree

Join Our Jamboree May 31: Vendor Spaces Available Now

Join our Jamboree on Friday, May 31, at 4:00 to 7:30 PM! Let’s celebrate another fantastic school year! Please join us for an evening of learner performances, food trucks, silentRead More

Extended Learning Summer Workshops

Extended Learning Summer Workshops: Sign Up by May 31

Dear Current iLEAD Agua Dulce Families, We are excited to announce our upcoming Extended Learning Summer Workshops, which will take place July 1, 2, 3 and July 8-29! (We willRead More