
You’re Invited: SCVi to Host Free Screening of Short Documentary ‘UNSTUCK: An OCD Kids Movie’

Unstuck an OCD Kids Movie

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is often made light of, but it is a serious mental health issue that traps millions of kids, teens, and adults. Join us as we learn what OCD is and isn’t, as well as how it is treated, from the experts: six kids with OCD. Free screening of the short documentary film UNSTUCK: An OCD Kids Movie on Thursday, January 23, at 6:00 p.m. at iLEAD’s founding school, SCVi Charter School, in the Shakespeare Theatre, 28060 Hasley Canyon Road, #200 Castaic, California. Event is open to the public and all ages. Panel discussion with licensed psychologist Dr. Michelle Witkin afterward.

Spread the word! The filmmaker Realistic Pictures made a Facebook event for the screening.

Learn more about the screening on their website, which also includes helpful resources about OCD.


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