
Individualized Learning Plans (ILPs)

21st Century Skills

ILPs September 23-24 and October 1st

iLEAD Schools embraces the whole child, focusing on both social-emotional and academic skills. In lieu of the traditional parent/teacher conference, the learners, facilitators, and parents/guardians collaborate annually to create Individualized Learning Plans (ILPs) to guide instruction. Everyone works together to reflect on, monitor, and make adjustments to the ILP as needed. The primary goal of the ILP is to ensure that each child reflects on their own achievements and identifies areas in which they need to improve. Therefore, each learner will be working toward attainable goals aligned to their individual development.


iLEAD Schools Learner Outcomes

Schoolwide Learner Outcome: Lifelong Learners

Happy New Year! Time to brush up on our iLEAD Schoolwide Learner Outcomes. At iLEAD, we believe that education should extend beyond traditional academic knowledge. Our purposeful approach revolves aroundRead More

Apex Future Coming Soon

TK-8 Apex Leadership Program & Fun Run Coming to iLEAD Agua Dulce: January 21-30

We are excited to announce that our school is partnering with Apex to bring a fantastic leadership program and fun run event to our learners! Mark your calendars: Apex LeadershipRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce Learners Present on How We Are All Connected

On December 18, iLEAD Agua Dulce 2nd graders showed their families and the community what they have been learning in Ms. Partis’ class regarding this driving question: “How can weRead More