
Minimum Day: January 23

iLEAD Agua Dulce clock journal pen sticky notes paperclips office hours

Please note that Thursday, January 23, is a minimum day for all grades. On minimum days, learners are released at the same time they’re released on Fridays. This provides the necessary time for all our learners and families to participate in Learner-Led Conferences (LLCs).


Apex Future Coming Soon

TK-8 Apex Leadership Program & Fun Run Coming to iLEAD Agua Dulce: January 21-30

We are excited to announce that our school is partnering with Apex to bring a fantastic leadership program and fun run event to our learners! Mark your calendars: Apex LeadershipRead More

5th Grade DreamUp POL 10.2024 iLEAD Agua Dulce4

Learner-Led Conferences: January 23, 24, 31

At iLEAD Agua Dulce, we host Learner-Led Conferences (LLCs) to promote learner engagement, motivation, and achievement. Our next LLCs are scheduled for January 23, 24, and 31. These conferences createRead More

Don't Throw Away Old Sneakers

Share the Love with GotSneakers: Accepting Donations All Year

This school year we are partnering with GotSneakers, a recycling program that makes a global impact and earns our school money for every pair of sneakers you contribute! Please dropRead More