Monday message 04.22.2019

Upcoming Events

calendar and post-it notes

Continuing through Mon., 7/29: Extended Learning Summer Workshops

Tue., 8/13: First Day of 2024-25 School Year

Mon., 9/2: Labor Day – School Closed

Academic Calendar

Message from the Director

Dear Families, Welcome Back! We hope all of you had a fantastic break and spent time enjoying family. We are very excited about the new arrivals of Outdoor Classroom itemsRead More

To Infinity and Beyond!

Although our announcement about the huge accomplishment of our 5th/6th grade Aloe Vera Experiment Team went out before break, we would like to congratulate all of our learners who workedRead More

Important Information About Attendance

We have several learners that have been missing school for various reasons. We cannot express enough that as a Project-Based Learning school, attendance is vital. PBL requires collaboration, discussions, workingRead More

Statewide Testing

California students take several mandated statewide tests. These tests provide parents/guardians, teachers, and educators with information about how well students are learning and becoming college and career ready. The testRead More

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