Dear iLEAD Agua Dulce Families,
This week our TK/K learners returned, and it was wonderful to see them and hear their laughter on the campus. We are excited for the opportunity to welcome 1st-6th grade learners for in-person learning on our hybrid schedule. This week, a letter was emailed out from iLEAD Schools regarding the opening of TK-6th grade classes. This is an excellent opportunity for learners to come to campus two days per week and receive instruction directly from their facilitator. Fridays will remain asynchronous (distance learning). Below is the schedule of our rollout plan.
Please note: All learners will be in small cohorts that cannot exceed 14 learners per class. If you opted to remain in distance learning for the year, you must contact the office if your plans have changed. In addition, some learners’ cohorts may change in order to remain in compliance with the maximum enrollment per class.
Cohort Schedule
Please note the shortened days:
Learners may check in no earlier than 8:30 AM and must be picked up by 12:30 PM.
At this time we are not offering before- or after-school care, but we are working on extended asynchronous hours. We will email that information home soon.
This letter contains a lot of information about our reopening. Please take the time now to read and understand all the protocols and expectations. The protocols and notifications in this letter are in accordance with the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health Guidelines.
Prior to leaving your home each day
Please log on to the ParentSquare app at or download the ParentSquare mobile app. Once you are logged in, click on “Submit Daily Screening.” You will see the daily self-screening form to fill out. This is a state requirement, and you will be asked at valet if the form was submitted.
If you can answer yes to any of the following questions, your child must remain home. Please call Gladys Ramirez or Sonia Kurfess in the school office prior to leaving home at (661) 268-6386. If any of the symptoms or a diagnosis occurs within 14 days of your child being on campus, please contact Gladys or Sonia with that information.
In the last 48 hours, has your child had any of the following symptoms?
In the last 14 days, has your child been in close contact with anyone who has exhibited any of the following symptoms?
Learner Arrival
Drop-off for 1st-6th graders will take place at the valet lot on Agua Dulce Canyon Road. The upper lot by the office is for TK/K drop-off only. Learners in grades 1-6 who arrive at the upper lot will be directed to go to the valet lot. All adults are expected to remain in their car. A staff member will greet you and ask if you have done a wellness check before coming to school. The staff member will take your child’s temperature while still in the car. If the learner is fever and symptom free, the learner will walk up the ramp to our hands-free sanitizing station and proceed to the classroom.
Ensure your child has a clean face covering they can comfortably wear while on campus daily. We will provide special mask clips for 1st and 2nd graders to prevent the mask from falling on the ground.
The school will begin promptly at 8:45 AM each morning. As a reminder, please make sure to arrive for school between 8:30 and 8:40 AM.
Learners will meet parents at the same location at 12:30 PM for dismissal. Adults must remain in the car at all times.
Please send your learner with a snack in a lunch box with their name on it.
If preferred, a school breakfast can be provided. Our school breakfast varies from low-sugar muffins to burritos and is accompanied by milk and fruit. If you would prefer this option, please email Nicole at so we can order enough for our learners. Due to COVID-19, this meal program will be free for the remainder of the school year.
Toys & Supplies
Please keep all personal toys at home. Each learner will have their own supply bin at school with their name on it for them to use. While we will provide their bin with a variety of school items, please read the supply list that your child’s facilitator will provide for you this week. Regardless of the age, we also ask that you bring a change of clothes for your child in a five-gallon Ziploc bag for those messy days or as needed.
Please keep any technology at home. This way the learners will have it for their asynchronous (distance learning) days.
Your child’s immunizations need to be up to date prior to returning to school. If you have any questions regarding immunizations, please call our office or email our school nurse at
Access to Campus
Only learners and staff will be permitted in classrooms and to move about campus. If parents have business with the office, please call the office to schedule before coming in. To the greatest extent possible, the business will be conducted outside at the front door. All visitors to the front door who are two or older must wear a face covering over their mouth and nose.
Please review the following expectations for learners while on campus (We do realize these expectations may be difficult for some of our youngest learners; however, these are requirements from the LA County Health Department that must be adhered to in order for learners to be on site.
Illness at School
Should a learner become ill at school, the following protocols will take place:
Learner Small Cohort Groups
Learners will remain in small cohort groups while on campus. A cohort is simply a small social bubble and a mechanism for keeping interactions with others low. Each learner’s cohort will consist of his/her classmates no more than 14 and up to two classroom staff here at iLEAD Agua Dulce.
The iLEAD Agua Dulce website has information and resources about COVID-19, school protocols, and more.
Thank you for partnering with us to keep your child and our staff healthy and safe. We know it will take a few days to adapt to the new routine. We will have an information meeting on Monday, February 22, at 6:00 PM. A Zoom link will be sent out that morning.
We look forward to seeing our learners on campus and hearing laughs and giggles in the classroom and out on the yard.
Mrs. Latimer
iLEAD Agua Dulce Director
Fri., 3/21: 2025-26 Enrollment Lottery Application Deadline. Apply here.
Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break
Wed., 4/9: iSUPPORT Meeting, 9:00 AM
Fri., 4/18: Play Day, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
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