Dear Families,
Happy New Year! We truly hope that all of our families and learners had an opportunity to decompress, reconnect and sharpen the saw. We look forward to seeing all of our learners on January 12. We have new projects for our learners that are challenging, engaging, and authentic. Please remember the importance of ensuring your child logs in for all Zoom sessions and turns in work. We hope you had an opportunity view our fun Winter Show Program and listen to our 8th grade learners’ podcasts they created as a culmination to their project on Broken Laws. They were well done and very insightful!
We also hope that you will join the Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District’s Board Meeting on January 14 at 7:30 PM as the board will vote on our Charter Petition Renewal. The Zoom link can be found on their website. We wish all of you a wonderful new year full of prosperity, happiness and good health.
A Report of Progress has three major components. First is the progress and/or grade part of the report. This is an overall snapshot of the learner’s progress at concepts, skills, and standards. Each learner will receive a progress descriptor as shown in the legend below:
The second part of the ROP is the narrative. Each learner will have narratives written by their facilitator. These narratives are the most rewarding for parents, as they gain a true understanding of their child’s progress and educational experience. The narrative progress report recognizes that each child is unique and one’s development cannot be fully understood or assisted by using a checklist approach. It gives a more detailed description of the child’s work and choices of work. A narrative report assures parents and learners that the facilitator really understands and cares about each child.
The last part is the Social-Emotional ROP. The development of independence, initiative, responsibility, confidence, social awareness, cooperation, concentration, helpfulness, and commitment to work is a crucial element of the iLEAD curriculum. Our ROP combines the current learner outcomes (based on the 7 Habits) and the Character Lab Program, which focuses on each learner’s strengths, skills, and mind-set.
If you have any questions regarding the ROP at iLEAD Agua Dulce, we encourage you to reach out to your child’s facilitator.
This semester shows five Mondays where there is no school due to various holidays. During these weeks only, Cohort A will meet on Wednesdays and Fridays to ensure that all our learners are receiving optimum learning time. Please plan ahead and watch for specific details from your child’s facilitator.
COHORT A Wednesday and Friday Schedule:
We hope you enjoy the remainder of Winter Break, and we cannot wait to see all of our learners on January 12! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office.
Warm regards,
iLEAD Agua Dulce
Fri., 3/21: 2025-26 Enrollment Lottery Application Deadline. Apply here.
Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break
Wed., 4/9: iSUPPORT Meeting, 9:00 AM
Fri., 4/18: Play Day, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
“Enthusiasm is the electricity of life.” —Gordon Parks Central to the iLEAD Agua Dulce approach to project-based learning is a belief that education works best when it’s energetic. Rather than… Read More
We are excited to provide free meals through the Summer Seamless Program. We are providing meals for all children up to 18 years of age at no charge. You do not need… Read More
Greetings, iLEAD community, Every other week, a new Together Tuesday video features photos of families, learners, and staff throughout the iLEAD nation — a reminder that we’re all in this together. We’d love… Read More