map assessments Archives - iLEAD Agua Dulce

map assessments

Map Testing
NWEA MAP Assessments

As you may know, we measure learners’ academic growth over the school year by using the MAP NWEA computer adaptive assessment three times a year: fall, winter, and spring. TheRead More

Map Testing
NWEA MAP Assessments

As you may know, we measure learners’ academic growth over the school year by using the MAP NWEA computer adaptive assessment three times a year: fall, winter, and spring. TheRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce Fun
Spring MAP Assessments: Help Us Celebrate Your Child’s Growth!

Hello, iLEAD Agua Dulce Families! As you may know, we measure learners’ academic growth over the school year by using the MAP NWEA computer-adaptive assessment three times a year: fall, winter, and spring. The MAP assessment isRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce Fun
Spring MAP Assessments: Help Us Celebrate Your Child’s Growth!

Hello, iLEAD Agua Dulce Families! As you may know, we measure learners’ academic growth over the school year by using the MAP NWEA computer-adaptive assessment three times a year: fall, winter, and spring. The MAP assessment isRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce Fun
Spring MAP Assessments: Help Us Celebrate Your Child’s Growth!

Hello, iLEAD Agua Dulce Families! As you may know, we measure learners’ academic growth over the school year by using the MAP NWEA computer-adaptive assessment three times a year: fall, winter, and spring. The MAP assessment isRead More

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