online learning Archives - iLEAD Agua Dulce

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COVID-19 Communications

Prior to returning to school Tuesday, January 10, it is recommended that learners and staff take a COVID-19 test. Before the break, we distributed COVID-19 rapid tests for all staffRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce learner washes hands
COVID-19 Important Updates

Dear iLEAD families, Here is the latest information on COVID-19 Vaccinations: We know many of you have questions about how we will respond to the ongoing COVID pandemic, and weRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce learner washes hands
COVID-19 Important Updates

Dear iLEAD families, Here is the latest information on COVID-19 Vaccinations: We know many of you have questions about how we will respond to the ongoing COVID pandemic, and weRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce Online Learning
5 Ways to Set Up for Online Learning Success!

Originally published by iLEAD Online Learning online has many benefits. Flexibility in where and when you learn and the ability to design your own learning space are two of them.Read More

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